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伸縮ポールと伸縮ツールは、さまざまな業界や日常業務で幅広い用途に使用できます。これらのツールは伸縮するように設計されており、多用途性と利便性を提供します。伸縮ポールとツールの一般的な用途: クリーニングとメンテナンス。


カーボンファイバー製アウトリガーポールは、オフショアフィッシングで使用される軽量で丈夫な漁具です。これらはボートの側面に取り付けられ、餌や誘いがより広範囲に広がるように拡張され、魚を捕まえる可能性が高まるように設計されています。高強度カーボンファイバーで作られたこれらのポールは、強く、耐久性があり、軽量で、最大 20 フィート以上まで伸ばすことができます。折りたたみ可能で格納可能で、保管や持ち運びが簡単です。カーボンファイバー製のアウトリガーポールは、使いやすさとより多くの魚を捕まえるのに役立つため、オフショアの漁師の間で人気があります。







カーボンファイバー伸縮ポールのメーカーとして、当社はカスタマイズ能力に誇りを持っています。お客様と緊密に連携することで、 特定のニーズや要件に合わせたオーダーメイドのポールを作成できます。




窓拭きポールは、高い窓や手の届きにくい窓を掃除するときに、窓掃除機の到達範囲を広げるために使用されるツールです。通常、伸縮式のポールとその先端にクリーニング ヘッドまたはスキージ アタッチメントが付いているもので構成されます。 ユーザーはポールを使用して、クリーニング ヘッドまたはスキージを目的の窓に移動し、圧力をかけて汚れや破片を取り除き、スキージを使用して余分な水を拭き取ります。ポールはさまざまな角度や高さに調整できるため、すべてのエリアを効果的に掃除できます。窓掃除用ポールは、プロの清掃業者や住宅所有者など、高い窓や手の届きにくい窓をより効率的かつ徹底的に掃除したい人にとって便利なツールです。








伸縮式ポールまたはポール カメラとも呼ばれる検査ポールは、さまざまな検査や監視の目的で使用される多用途ツールです。これは、カーボンファイバーやグラスファイバーなどの軽量で耐久性のある素材で作られた長く伸縮可能なポールで構成されており、さまざまな長さに調整できる複数のセクションが付いています。これらのポールは、他の手段ではアクセスが難しい高さやエリアに到達できるように設計されており、検査官や技術者は、物理的なアクセスや足場やリフトトラックなどの高価な機器を必要とせずに、物体、構造物、またはエリアを遠隔から検査できます。伸縮設計により、ポールをコンパクトなサイズに折りたたむことができ、保管や持ち運びに便利です。検査ポールは、建設、メンテナンス、セキュリティ、監視などの幅広い業界で応用されています。一般的な用途としては、屋根、側溝、パイプ、電気設備、航空機、高い棚、立ち入り禁止区域、人間の立ち入りが困難または安全でないその他の高所または閉鎖空間の検査が挙げられます。検査ポールを使用する利点には、安全性の向上、費用対効果、時間効率の向上が含まれます。検査員ははしごや足場に登る代わりに、地上から物体やエリアの状態を評価できるため、事故のリスクが軽減されます。検査ポールは軽量で持ち運びやすいため、取り扱いや持ち運びが簡単で、迅速な検査が可能になり、ダウンタイムが最小限に抑えられます。




レスキューポールは、水やその他の危険な状況から人を救出し、回収するために使用されるツールです。軽量で耐久性のある素材で作られた長いポールで構成されています。 カーボンファイバー、グラスファイバー、または アルミニウム。ポールは長さが数メートルに達することもあり、救助者が遠くから人に手を伸ばして掴むことができるようにするためのさまざまな付属品が装備されています。救助ポールを使用するには、救助者はまず状況を評価し、救助のための最適なアプローチを決定します。必要な人を見つけたら、ポールを適切な長さまで伸ばし、先端のアタッチメントを操作してその人に到達します。状況に応じて、アタッチメントはフック、円形ループ、またはネットになります。次に、救助者はアタッチメントを慎重に操作して個人を掴み、さらなる危害や負傷を確実に回避します。その後、その人は救助者の方へ引っ張られ、安全な場所に連れて行かれます。救助ポールは、救助者と救助を必要としている人の両方の安全を確保するために、適切な使用と取り扱いについて訓練を受けた訓練を受けた専門家のみが使用する必要があることに注意することが重要です。






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2024/09/16 Carbon Fiber VS Glassfiber

Material Properties Carbon Fiber Strength and Stiffness: Carbon fiber is renowned for its high strength-to-weight ratio and exceptional stiffness. It is significantly stronger and stiffer than fiberglass, which makes it ideal for applications where rigidity is critical, such as aerospace, automotive, and high-performance sporting goods. Weight:One of the standout features of carbon fiber is its low weight. Carbon fiber tubing is lighter than fiberglass, making it the preferred choice in industries where weight savings are paramount, such as in aircraft and high-end bicycles. Durability: Carbon fiber is highly resistant to fatigue and does not corrode. However, it can be more brittle than fiberglass and is prone to damage from sharp impacts or excessive flexing. Fiberglass Strength and Flexibility: While not as strong or stiff as carbon fiber, fiberglass still offers a respectable strength-to-weight ratio. It is more flexible and can absorb impacts better without cracking, which makes it a good choice for applications where some give is necessary, such as in certain types of sporting equipment and marine applications. Weight: Fiberglass is heavier than carbon fiber but still lighter than many traditional materials like steel or aluminum. Its weight is usually not a critical drawback for applications where extreme lightness is not a requirement. Durability: Fiberglass is highly resistant to corrosion and is less brittle than carbon fiber. It can endure rougher handling and impact, which makes it suitable for more demanding and varied environmental conditions. Cost Carbon Fiber: The superior properties of carbon fiber come at a price. Carbon fiber tubing is significantly more expensive than fiberglass. This higher cost can be a deciding factor for projects with tight budgets or where the high-performance characteristics of carbon fiber are not essential. Fiberglass: Fiberglass is generally much more affordable than carbon fiber, making it an attractive option for many applications where budget constraints are a major consideration. Its lower cost does not mean it is inferior; it simply means it is more accessible for a broader range of uses. Applications Carbon Fiber: This material is chosen for high-performance and high-precision applications. Examples include aerospace components, high-end automotive parts, competitive sports equipment like racing bicycles and tennis rackets, and advanced engineering projects. The high strength, stiffness, and lightweight properties of carbon fiber make it ideal for these uses. Fiberglass: Fiberglass is widely used in applications where cost-effectiveness and durability are key. This includes boat hulls, fishing rods, storage tanks, and architectural components. Its resistance to impact and corrosion makes it suitable for outdoor and marine environments. In summary, both materials have their place in the world of tubing, each excelling in different scenarios. By carefully considering the specific needs of your project, you can choose the material that offers the best balance of performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness.

2024/09/09 Things you need to know about Outriggers

Outrigger BasicsAn outrigger consists of a base that is bolted to the boat, a pole that slides into the base, and rigging for attaching fishing lines to the outrigger.Outrigger bases typically allow the pole to be swung out away from the boat for trolling and back in for running. Most also allow for adjustment of the upward angle or “pitch” of the outrigger pole. Bases may be mounted on T-tops, hard tops, cabin sides or gunwales.fishing boat using outriggers- Boat OutfittersOutrigger poles range in length from 15’ to more than 35’. For outboard-powered fishing boats up to 45 feet or so, 15’ to 25’ poles are most common. Poles longer than about 25’ require spreaders for support and added stiffness and are typically found on sportfishers.Rigging systems range from simple to complex but all serve the same basic purpose — bringing release clips close to the boat so that lines can be attached and then moving them farther out the poles. Most outriggers are set up to run one to three lines each.Outrigger Pole LengthsThe first and most important thing to consider when adding outriggers is the size of your boat. Outriggers that are too long and heavy are not only unwieldy; they can also destabilize small boats. For boats under around 25’ with a beam under 9’, 15’ to 18’ poles are typically the best choice. A handy rule of thumb for outboard-powered boats is that the tips of the poles shouldn’t extend past the props.Try to be realistic about how many lines you’ll fish.Another consideration is the number of lines you plan to run on each ’rigger. Although it’s possible to run two lines on a 15’ pole, an 18’ or longer pole is a much better choice. With a double-rigged 15’ pole mounted on a T-top or hardtop, the inner line isn’t more than a few feet past the gunwale. On the other hand, try to be realistic about how many lines you’ll fish. Trolling four lines from outriggers plus two flat lines and a center “shotgun” line requires a lot of expensive tackle and a lot of work from your crew. You’ll also want to consider practical constraints like bridge clearance, storage and trailering. Make sure whatever outrigger setup you choose is compatible with your slip or lift and with any bridges you have to fit under.Telescoping vs. Fixed Length PoleWhether an outrigger pole is fixed length or telescopic is its most obvious characteristic, and the trade-offs are fairly straightforward.Telescoping poles can be collapsed for bridge clearance, trailering, dry stack storage, etc. Collapsing the poles when not in use also makes it easier to cast from the cockpit. And when removed, the collapsed poles are much easier to store than fixed length poles.Fixed length poles, on the other hand, are generally stiffer, stronger and lighter weight. Their relative simplicity also translates to added durability.The bottom line is that, all else being equal, fixed length poles offer better performance, but tel escoping poles are far more convenient for many boaters.fishing boat using outriggers- Boat OutfittersAluminum, Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Outrigger PoleModern outrigger poles are made from aluminum, carbon fiber or fiberglass, each of which comes with its own pros and cons.Carbon fiber offers the ultimate in stiffness and light weight. Stiffer, lighter poles bounce less when running, putting less strain on the bases, the mounting surface and the poles themselves. Stiffer poles also work better for pulling dredges, spreader bars and other tackle that puts heavy strain on the poles. Carbon poles are costly, though, and although they don’t bend like aluminum, they are more brittle and do occasionally break.Aluminum is heavier and more flexible than carbon and can bend under the strain of dredges or spreader bars. It is also more susceptible to corrosion than carbon or fiberglass. Aluminum, though, remains a good choice for outrigger poles and represents a great value for recreational anglers who don’t want — or need — to drop the price of a small car on a set of outriggers.Fiberglass is the most economical choice, but it is relatively flexible and heavy and best suited for short poles and small boats.Keep in mind that the longer the outrigger pole, the more important stiffness and light weight become. In other words, the advantages of carbon over aluminum will be much more apparent in a 20’ pole than a 15’ pole. Likewise, heavier lures, more lines and faster trolling speeds all amplify the differences between materials.Outrigger Pole DiametersMost outrigger poles under around 25’ are 1-1/2” in diameter at the base. Many 15’ poles, though, have a 1-1/8” base diameter. The smaller diameter poles — the smaller mounts they’re compatible with — are less expensive and perfectly suitable for smaller boats and lighter-duty use. Even in shorter lengths, though, 1-1/2” diameter poles are significantly stiffer.Outrigger BasesOutrigger bases range from simple gunwale mount models to sophisticated, hydraulic mounts designed for the sides of sportfisher cabins. On most center console and dual console fishing boats, though, outriggers are mounted on the T-top or hardtop. Although there are many differences in features and capabilities between models, the main thing that differentiates them is the degree to which they can be controlled from beneath the top.The main thing that differentiates them is the degree to which they can be controlled from beneath the top. The simplest and least expensive models, like Taco Marine’s Top Mounting Grand Slam 170, are controlled entirely from the top. Adjusting pitch or swing of the poles requires reaching the top of the base — usually by standing on a gunwale.Other bases, like the XD 1.5" Top Mount Outrigger Base, allow control of swing but not pitch from beneath the top. A crew member standing on deck can deploy the outriggers by turning a handle on the underside of the mount, but tilting the ‘riggers up or laying them down requires reaching the top of the bases.The most convenient bases, like the XD Crank Top 1.5" Outrigger Mount, feature controls for both pitch and swing from the deck.Other considerations include range of adjustment and number of available positions in both directions, how adjustments are made and whether the shape of the base and handle are compatible with your particular top.


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